Posts in Auto Insurance
Can Someone Else Drive My Car?

Here’s the situation: Your sister comes to town to visit and stays with you. You offer to lend her your car so she can go shopping. Then, you get a call from her that she got into an accident. You might be asking yourself: Does my car insurance cover other drivers?

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Auto InsuranceDan Zeiler
7 Reasons Why Gas Prices Go Up

Driving can be expensive. Between buying or leasing the car itself, maintenance, and insurance, it can be enough to make some consider the bus. Choosing your insurance wisely can help that a lot, and you can always practice safe driving and precautionary measures that minimize maintenance costs, but some expenses, such as gas, are harder to control.

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Auto InsuranceDan Zeiler
Electrics, Hybrids and Gas-Sippers: Understanding Your Green Driving Options

With gas prices rising, American drivers are looking for more fuel-efficient vehicles. But for the average car buyer, deciding what kind of fuel-efficient car to purchase can feel like a tall order, especially if you are just now joining the green driving revolution. Here is everything you need to know about becoming a more fuel-efficient driver, including how to save money.

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Auto InsuranceDan Zeiler
Five insurance mistakes to avoid... (and still save money)

Saving money feels good. And shopping around when you’re looking for insurance coverage is a great way to do it. However, simply reducing your coverage or dropping important coverages altogether is like diet without exercise—focused only on numbers, not on results. Don’t risk ending up dangerously underinsured and on the hook for much bigger bills in the event of a disaster.

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Do I Need Snow Tires?

Taking snow tires out of the garage and replacing regular or summer tires during the snowy and icy months was once a familiar winter ritual for many people. With all-season tires becoming increasingly common, do drivers still need tires designed specifically to operate in snow?

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Auto InsuranceDan Zeiler
How to Break In a New Car

Breaking in a new car is a practice that has been recommended by manufacturers for decades. It’s a combination of driving techniques, precautions, and maintenance tasks, which are ultimately supposed to help extend a car’s lifespan. Breaking in your new car is the first step to living a happy life with your vehicle, but owner responsibility doesn’t end there.

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Auto InsuranceDan Zeiler
Smart Road Tips for Halloween Safety

As ghosts, witches, and superheroes wander the roads on Halloween looking for candy and treats, drivers should take extra care to ensure that the holiday doesn’t become truly horrifying. The scary reality is that Halloween is one of the deadliest days of the year for pedestrians, especially children, statistics show.

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Auto InsuranceDan Zeiler
Illinois Auto Insurance and GAP Coverage

When purchasing or leasing a new car it is important to make sure that you have the proper insurance. One option that needs to be considered is Guaranteed Auto Protection - GAP Insurance. GAP Insurance covers the difference between what you owe on your vehicle and what the insurance company may pay for a totaled or stolen vehicle. Watch this video for a quick summary of this coverage option.

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15 New Cars To Avoid

New cars just aren’t what they used to be. No, we’re not getting all crotchety and decrying the evolution in styling and technological breakthroughs that have literally reinvented the automobile during the last quarter millennium. Rather, we’re bemoaning the fact that, unlike as in past model years, there’s a dearth of truly wretched cars on the market for us to openly and readily ridicule.

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Auto InsuranceDan Zeiler