When it comes to auto insurance, the price you pay isn’t just a random number. Insurance companies use various factors to determine your premiums. While some of these factors are personal to you — e.g., driving record and where you live — others are directly related to the car you drive.
Read MoreThe ideal time to get ready for a snowstorm is long before one is in the forecast. Winter storms can bring cold temperatures, icy roads, power failures and a loss of communication services. Such conditions bring safety challenges, so you’ll want to plan ahead.
Read MoreIf you’re like most people, you’re probably asking yourself: Why are car insurance rates going up and is there anything I can do to lower my auto insurance rate? In this article, we’ll discuss factors affecting the market and ways to help lower your auto insurance rate. We’ll also explain how optional coverage packages could help reduce out-of-pocket claim expenses.
Read MoreIf you have an accident because of snowy conditions, collision coverage may cover the resulting damage to your car. However, comprehensive and collision are optional coverages, so be sure to add them if you want coverage for snow-related damage.
Read MoreWhether your car insurance will cover electrical issues depends on the cause of the issue and the type of car insurance coverage you have. If the electrical issues were caused by a covered accident, the repairs may be covered by the at-fault driver. If the electrical issues were the result of normal wear and tear or age, they likely won't be covered.
Read MoreA speeding ticket may raise your insurance rate, as can other moving violations like running a red light. If it's your first speeding ticket or violation, however, it may not affect your insurance at all. It depends on how your state and insurer treat the violation.
Read MoreElectric vehicle (EV) production is on a rapid uptick as manufacturers race to compete with Tesla. These new vehicles offer numerous advantages over their gas-powered counterparts. Here’s what you need to know about insuring an electric vehicle if you plan to purchase one in the future.
Read MoreAn insurance score is a score calculated from information on your credit report. Your credit information can be very predictive of future accidents or insurance claims, which is why many insurance companies use this information to develop accurate rates. .Your credit score is one of the factors that can affect your car insurance premium.
Read MoreWhen traveling to a new destination, whether for business or pleasure, renting a car is a great convenience. One of the most commonly asked questions when renting a vehicle is: Do you need insurance to rent a car? While it’s not mandatory to get rental car insurance, not having it can leave you financially vulnerable in the event of an accident.
Read MoreUnderstanding when and how your car insurance covers repairs is crucial for every driver. Whether it’s a minor fender bender, a significant collision, or unexpected damage from a hailstorm, knowing the ins and outs of your insurance policy can save you time, money, and stress.
Read MoreYou got into a car collision, now what? This situation may leave you wondering – should you file a claim with your insurance or pay out of pocket for the damages yourself? What if other people are involved? What if the only damages are to your own property? Your insurance is there to help in these situations.
Read MoreWhile car insurance premiums fluctuate based on numerous factors, including driving history, vehicle type and location, age is a significant factor used to help determine rates. Talk with your Zeiler Insurance to find the best option to decrease your auto insurance rates.
Read MoreWe get it. There are lots of reasons why you might consider selling your current car and getting a new one: maybe your financial situation has changed, or it’s costing you too much to maintain an older car, or your lease has expired. We've come up with a list of pros, cons, and tips to think about.
Read MoreWhen money is tight, everyone looks for ways to cut back. One temptation is to let your car insurance expire, even for a short period of time. This really isn’t a great idea, because a car insurance lapse can cause you some unexpected problems.
Read MoreRecord-breaking distracted driving has created a great deal of alarm on the roadways, with more frequent and dangerous crashes – many of which are caused by cell phone use – becoming part of the norm in the U.S.
Read MoreFoul weather, deep snow, and muddy roads can all have drivers craving more traction. There are four distinct drivetrain configurations to choose from: front-wheel, rear-wheel, all-wheel, and four-wheel drive. By learning how each of these systems works, you can better choose the right one for your challenges.
Read MoreWhen you're involved in a car accident, or your vehicle sustains significant damage, you might ask yourself, "Is my car totaled?" It’s a question no driver wants to ask, but it’s an important one to address.
Read MoreAccording to a AAA survey, potholes caused significant vehicular damage for 1 in 10 drivers in 2021. The average cost to repair pothole-related damage was $600 but exceeded $1,000 in some cases. What’s worse, the same drivers often filed multiple claims, averaging two pothole-related repairs a year.
Read MoreAccording to the U.S. Department of Transportation, most weather-related car accidents happen on wet pavement (70%) or during rainfall (46%). As we experience more soggy weather in the midst of El Niño, it's important to know how to safely maneuver your vehicle and avoid weather-related auto accidents, which often cause car insurance rates to rise.
Read MoreGetting into a car accident is a scary experience — and the moments after the accident are stressful. If your vehicle is damaged, you’ll need to file an insurance claim, but then what? Car accidents are stressful. Learn how to choose between an auto body repair shop recommended by your insurer and one that you find.
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