Chicago Police Department: Carjacking Prevention Tips

Location, Location, Location

Don’t Be Surprised

Certain areas make it easier for carjackers to engage with you, Drivers should be aware of the folioing frequent carjacking locations:

  • Anywhere a driver slows down or stops

  • Residential driveways (getting in and out of the vehicle.)

  • Parking lots and garages

  • Gas Stations

  • ATM’s

  • Intersections with stop lights


Be Aware

  • Bump and Run

You are rear ended. A passenger from the vehicle bumps you jumps into your driver seat when you go to assess the damage and exchange driver information. Note their description and call 911.

  • Stranded Motorist

Do Not Stop for apparently stranded strangers along the road. Note their location and call 911.

Safety Tips

Think Ahead

Always be aware of your surroundings. Make it a habit to enter your car, lock your doors immediately and drive away. Look around for suspicious persons sitting in vehicles or loitering in the area before entering your vehicle. Always:

  • Park in well-lit, visible areas

  • Keep your windows up and doors locked

  • Equip your vehicle with anti-theft / GPS

  • Give yourself room to maneuver around stopped traffic, Don’t get “boxed” in

  • Keep your cell phone in your pocket

  • Trust your instincts

Create a Smart 911 profile and include your vehicle information.

If you are the Victim of a Carjacking

  • Give up your car and leave the scene

  • The vehicle can be replaced. You are irreplaceable.

  • Avoid verbal/ physical confrontations.

  • Remember the suspect(s) description and their vehicle’s description (if they have one.)

  • If there is a child in the vehicle, let the carjackers know “my child is in the car.”

Call 911 and report the crime

Dan Zeiler

877-597-5900 x134

Dan Zeiler