Electrical Safety Every Business Should Follow


The steps you take to follow electrical safety standards have a direct impact on the safety of your employees, customers and workplace. Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) says more than 20,000 workers were injured due to electrical accidents in the workplace over the past ten years. With help from the right insurance company and risk control team, you can implement effective electrical safety standards to reduce the risk of injury and property damage due to electrical fire or other electrical hazards.

Find out what it takes to identify and eliminate common electrical fire safety issues. Plus, learn effective tips you can incorporate in electrical safety posters for daily reminders around the workplace. Lastly, learn how a great risk control team can simplify OSHA electrical safety and other insurance requirements so you can focus on running your business.

What is electrical safety in the workplace?
It’s the precautions taken in the workplace to minimize injury, damage or death due to electrical hazards. Construction firm SSOE says electrical hazards can expose individuals via shock, burns, electrocution, arc flash or arc blast, explosions or fire.

Common electrical safety culprits
There are two common risks that often lead to electrical hazards:

1. Extension cords used as permanent wiring—this increases the likelihood of overloading circuits, wire deterioration and physical damage.

2. Electrical entrances on the ceiling or side of the building—wind, rain and other weather exposures can cause the entrance to leak or become compromised. Keep these electrical safety risks top-of-mind to avoid risky behavior that can cause an electrical fire. If you need electrical work done, remember to hire a licensed and insured electrician to provide commercial electrical work.

What are the basic electrical safety standards?
To be compliant with OSHA electrical safety and standard commercial fire safety, it’s essential to follow the appropriate training. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) created a document they call the “Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace®” also known as the NFPA 70E®. The guide was designed with OSHA electrical safety compliance in mind, so you can use it to cover the basics of electrical safety standards.

Office fire safety and other commercial fire safety for your industry might require more in-depth electrical safety training. Talk to your Risk Control team to learn what electrical safety standards apply to your line of work.

10 more electrical safety tips to follow closely

1. Do not run extension cords through walls, ceilings, floors or similar openings. They should not be covered by rugs or appliances.

2. Unplug extension cords by pulling on the plug, not the cord.

3. Check the covers on junction boxes, outlets and light switches to make sure they are secure.

4. Use power equipment certified by a nationally recognized testing organization, such as Underwriters Laboratories (UL).

5. Use power strips and surge protectors to manufacturer’s guidelines.

6. If your electrical system is 25 years old or older, it should be assessed and updated as needed by a professional.

7. Before using electrical equipment, inspect it for damage or a bad odor.

8. Ensure there is a ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) in any wet location or space with temporary electricity.

9. Wear the correct personal protective equipment (PPE) for work tasks.

10. Do not work on hot electrical equipment. De-energize the equipment and call a licensed electrician if you need further assistance.

Whether you work in food service, software technology, home maintenance, agriculture or any other industry, there are experts ready to assess your business and offer solutions for your specific needs.

Contact your Zeiler Insurance agent today for more information on how we can help keep your business safe.

Dan Zeiler
877-597-59700 x134

Dan Zeiler