25 Most Dangerous Threats to Babies in Your Home

Welcoming a newborn into your home brings a lot of joy and excitement—but also a good amount of risk.

Many parents “baby-proof” their homes, meaning they cover sharp corners and block-off any areas that might cause their child to take a tumble.

But despite these efforts, you can’t protect your baby against all danger. Accidents are bound to happen.

Luckily, HealthGrove crunched the numbers and found the products that cause the most injuries to babies—most of which are found in the average home. The data comes from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, and each product is ranked by the average number of annual injuries to babies from 1997 to 2014.

For the 25 Most Dangerous Threats to Babies in Your Home - Click Here.

Dan Zeiler


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Dan Zeiler